Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Diamond is a Girl’s Best Friend but an Amethyst Makes a Good Buddy Too!

After you’ve journeyed to the center of the earth and back, you can play on this lovely playground full of sunshine.  Bug gave the monkey bars her all.

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And here’s Zman, in his natural state…texting his girlfriend.  It’s almost as if she joined us on the trip.

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You could buy bags of sand and sift them like the old time gold diggers, and look for precious gems.  I could not have imagined a more appropriate activity for Bean!  It is right up her alley.

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Even Zman couldn’t miss out on this opportunity.

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First you pour your bag of sand into the sifter.  I don’t know if that’s the technical name for it, but let’s just go with that for now.

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And then you put your sifter in the water and wash away the sand.

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After you do this a couple of times, your “gems” start to show themselves.

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And you keep working at it until the sand is all gone.

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And your left with your prized possessions. 

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If I keep doing this, surely I can find enough diamonds for us to retire.

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It even peaks Fadre’s interest.

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You carefully pick out your gemstones and put them in a bag.

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Bean’s found something REALLY good.

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Zman plays good big brother and helps Bug pick out her stones.

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I think that’s a garnet, maybe an amethyst…It’s hard to tell from here.

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You are given a card so you can match up your stones.

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Nothing makes a girl with a touch of OCD happier than to match something up!

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Look at our bounty…or is it booty?  Please don’t look at my booty…It isn’t pretty.

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We’re all sorted.

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Sorted = happy.

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After Bean sorted once.  She sorted again before putting her rocks away.

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Then she folded up her card and put it in her bag so she could sort again later.

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